By using the strategy described in this eBook, you can! Even when you're a busy mom with a houseful of kids...

Does this sound familiar...

You know you could grow your business faster if you just had more time. But, every time you sit down to work, it's interruption after interruption. And by the time the kids are finally getting into bed at night, you're exhausted. Too exhausted to do much productive work.

You have a business already established, or a business idea, and just need more time to make it happen.

You’re tired of never getting any real work done when the kids are awake and you have energy. You’re tired of always feeling drained.

You know your kids need practice working quietly and would love for them to work independently for a little while.

What if you could...

Easily implement a family friendly technique that allowed you to engage your kids in quiet, age-appropriate tasks. A strategy that your kids loved so much they asked you about it if you forgot…

And while your kids are working, you can sit down and finally knock some stuff of your to-do list. And then do it again…every single day.


The ultimate Guide to a successful family writing time

In this eBook, you’ll find all the details you need to help you make Family Writing Time a consistent part of your family’s routine.

Here's what you'll get

The eBook also includes...

A Resource List

So you always have what you need on hand and you don't have to waste time rummaging through the cupboards for supplies.

Important Ground Rules

Discover a list of important ground rules about Family Writing Time you can teach your kids (plus tips to stick to them)

The most important secret

Learn the most important secret to a successful family writing time...it just may surprise you!

This is for you if...

This is not for you if...

Hey, I'm Lisa!

Four years ago, life was hard. I had recently left teaching to stay home with the kids and save money on daycare. And my husband was working crazy hours trying to earn enough to support our growing family.

Desperate to help, I started searching for ways to make money from home. And the Lord introduced me to freelance writing. As a large family stay-at-home mom, I found time to launch a business. I’ve been generating an income from home ever since, while continuing to homeschool my kids.

Today, my husband and I have nine kids. He was able to quit his job and we’re on full-time deputation. While we’re on the road, my income pays the bills and puts food on the table.

Our life looks nothing like it did back then. We aren’t nearly as strapped for cash, and we have flexible freedom like we never dreamed of.

And it’s all because I found creative ways to consistently make time for my business. Like implementing Family Writing Time.

If I can do it, so can you. Make time for your business and take baby steps into the future you’ve been dreaming of.


That’s 130 hours a year, or almost 5.5 whole DAYS to grow your business. What could you do with that time?

Frequently Asked Questions

This eBook contains all the information you need to get started with Family Writing Time. Here’s the table of contents:

Part I: What Is Family Writing Time?

  • Benefits of Family Writing Time
  • How to Get Started with Family Writing Time
  • If At First You Don’t Succeed…Don’t Give Up!
    • Troubleshooting Your Family Writing Time
  • Supplies Needed for Family Writing Time

Part II: Activities for Family Writing Time

  • General Stage Appropriate Ideas
  • Seasonal Family Writing Time Activities
  • Cookie Sheet Family Writing Time Activities
  • Index Card Activities
  • Game Adaptations
  • Coloring Book Activities
  • The Possibilities Are Endless

Family Writing Time Quick Start Guide

As a homeschooling mom of nine, I successfully grew my business enough to support our family. I brought my husband home.

And this strategy played an important role in making time for that business growth.

Additionally, I’m highly qualified to create educational content. I hold a master’s degree in elementary reading and lit, and current teaching endorsements in Elementary Education and Reading.

I know how to engage children of all ages with appropriate educational tasks.

The majority of the links on this page will take you to the PDF version. But, I also have files available for MOBI and EPUB. If you’d like to purchase those instead, for the same price, use these links:

MOBI Version

EPUB Version

My kids range in age from 1-17. I have at least some activities for every stage of childhood from baby to teen.

The majority of activities are for kids in preschool on up. These kids typically are ready to try more creative tasks, and are less likely to chew on the crayon they see on the floor.

As with any list of activities, use your best judgement. Not all kids are the same developmentally even if they are the same age.

You don’t have to! Want me to let you in on a little secret about Family Writing Time?

Most of my kids aren’t actually WRITING during this time.

They are engaged in a quiet, literacy based activity that helps them build important skills. But, even my young kids who can’t write independently always have fun during Family Writing Time.

Due to the instant digital delivery, no refunds are offered. Please read this sales page to get a better idea of what is included before making a purchase.

If there is a problem with delivery, please contact me.


Purchase The Ultimate Guide to a Successful Family Writing Time Today!

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